
We were able to celebrate my mother’s seventh decade of life before she left for a grueling two-day trip over the Andes by land, for a repatriation flight out of Lima to the US! The president of Peru announced last week that the quarantine under martial law will continue until June 30th, and that international travel will likely not be possible until October. Since my mother usually travels standby with her flight privileges as an airline retiree, there may not have been the possibility for her to leave the country until sometime next year. Her passport expires in July and we have been having more and more difficulty finding substitutes for her heart medication, so it was necessary for her to go home. We are incredibly grateful for the people that took her into their care every step of the way, from the missionaries that she traveled to Lima with to our precious friends who took her in when she landed in Miami without a place to stay. The body of Christ is a beautifulthing!

Vann passed another kidney stone yesterday! We are hopeful for him that this will be the last stone ever – what a wonderful relief that would be after 17 years of suffering! He is still, as always, staying busy working on keeping this base up and running, and enjoying working on his projects as much as possible.

The children have successfully completed their 7th, 10th and 11th grades! They are enjoying their one-week break before starting summer classes. Online school is not a new challenge for our kids, so that is one thing at least that this quarantine has not interrupted! We are proud of their diligent, hard work.

Vann and I have been married for twenty years this month! We are blessed beyond measure for the love and unity the Lord has given us through all of the adventures and trials of this crazy life path we are on together! Please pray for our marriage, that we will protect it and each other fiercely, look to Jesus alone for our happiness, practice selflessness, and seek God’s glory over our own. Two decades down, and many more to go!

Thank you to those who have so generously given in order for us to help several families we know in town that are in dire need. The timing for one family in particular couldn’t have been any better – just that day, they had come to the point of having absolutely nothing left to eat with no way to work to buy food. The desperation is growing the longer this quarantine lasts, so thank you for helping us sustain these families during this difficult time. Please pray for Peru. We have not seen the worst of it yet, but we trust that God is in control, and He is always good!
“If truth is not undergirded by love. It makes the possessor of that truth obnoxious and the truth repulsive.” – Ravi Zacharias