Petra Camp Cabins.

These are the first two pre-fab cabins built for the Petra Camp! One red roof, and one blue roof for a girl’s side, and boy’s side, or the separation of teams. Aren’t they just darling? There is room for 6 bunkbeds and a counselor’s cot, housing 13 people each. We still have to outfit them with a fan, lights, screens, beds, and mattresses, but they’re built, and we didn’t have to mill the lumber and build them ourselves - what a wonder!

They cost $5000 each, as you see them here - foundation, windows and all. It will probably take another $2000 to outfit each of them. We would love for you to partner with us and sponsor a cabin - maybe your church or youth group would like to raise money for one or two cabins and then name them? The local churches are anxiously waiting to get to use this camp!