
It is the dead of winter here in the southern hemisphere, and in the jungle, it is dry season. That means dusty dirt roads, low rivers and lakes, 90+ degree days, and slightly fewer mosquitos - which makes the pool extra inviting for everyone and makes for excellent conditions for construction!

The interior walls in the Round Robin house are all built, and the exterior molding is being installed. We’ve been talking to God about providing further funding to continue with the construction of this mission house and several other base infrastructure projects that Vann is working on. This update was going to be a petition for project funds, but instead it is a call to praise God with us for his provision for the next steps before we could even write to ask! While we are in awe and humbled by his omniscience and greatness we are not surprised. These many years of walking by faith and following Jesus has proved his faithfulness every single step of the way! We trust that He knows there are hardworking, church-planting missionary families that are needing this house as soon as possible, and He’s got it – God is in control!

Our church’s youth group has enjoyed coming out here for games, worship, and swimming, and the apartment has been able to bless a few people that have needed a quiet retreat and rest. We are delighted when the facilities here serve our local church and missionary community!

We have immensely enjoyed having one of my closest friends and her daughter here for a quick visit! Their family moved back to Switzerland two years ago after having served here for seventeen years as missionaries with the Swiss mission – our neighbors. She is my sister in Christ, dear friend, and guardian angel – she came nearly every day to care for me and my family during my severe illness after covid when most people couldn’t come or wouldn’t enter someone else’s house. Her selfless ministry to me has left an indelible imprint on my heart that is a reminder of Jesus’ care for me. Goodbyes are hard, but the sweet fellowship of these last few days has made me even more thankful for our hope of heaven in Christ Jesus.

Thank you for your prayers for my health – I can get up, work, and host people in between times of rest through my days. It is a slow process of finding a rhythm and balance of productivity within my limitations, but I praise God that I am still in the fight! We love serving here and we love you all so very much! May God be with you till we meet again.
“You should serve the Lord with intense delight, because of what he has done for you.” – Charles Spurgeon